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Mafusto BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 07:41    Onderwerp: [PS3] Kingdom Hearts 1,5 Remix Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 31 Mei 2009
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KH1 met trophies!.

Zal vanmiddag als ik terug ben wel een fatsoenlijker thread maken.
KH1 Final Mix + Re:CoM HD + Remastered Days cutscenes.

Toch wel karig dat KH2 er niet bij zit.
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Lawliet BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 07:52    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 07 Sep 2006
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Raar en zeer teleurgesteld. KH2 niet, maar wel cutscenes van Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Erg raar en dom als je het mij vraagt. Misschien komt de KH II HD remake ook in een tweede deel met Birth by Sleep? Ik hoop trouwens wel dat de game hier komt want dan kan ik eindleijk Re:CoM spelen.
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Joni Philips BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 09:31    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 20 Okt 2003
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Heel raar, maar zeker niet teleurgesteld. Ik vermoed dat de DS en 3DS versie compleet ongeschikt zijn om te porten, en dat ze denken dat de spin-offs niet populair genoeg zijn om op zichzelf te verkopen. Dus het eerste deel bevat Kingdom Hearts en zijn vervolg CoM met cutscenes van de DS game; het tweede deel bevat KH2, Birth by Sleep en de cutscenes van de 3DS versie.
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Lawliet BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 10:25    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 07 Sep 2006
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Ze mogen ook de cutscenes van Re:Coded bij gooien want 358/2 Days heeft er best weinig. Wel leuk, maar aan cutscenes alleen vertelt niet het hele verhaal van de game omdat het grootste deel text was in 358/2 Days.

Ik hoop ook dat ze de camera problemen van het eerste deel verbeteren.
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No'tje BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 11:47    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 08 Aug 2008
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Ik heb KH al op PS2 en kan de Ds games wel veroorloven, zal dit dan alsnog meerwaarde hebben?
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Joni Philips BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 11:50    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 20 Okt 2003
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KH Final Mix is nooit in Europa verschijnen, Re: Chain of Memories ook niet, dus ja.
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AltairJack BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 13:14    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 19 Jul 2012
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Ik zou alleen de packs kopen als je Kh 1,2 en BBS niet gespeeld hebt. Die spinoffs raad ik niemand aan. De meeste van die spinoffs zijn ripoffs van deel 1 en 2, met dezelfde maps en story enzovoort.

COM is eigenlijk gewoon een GBA poort van deel 1, ze hebben alleen maar cutscenes tussen de werelden in gestopt zodat het lijkt of je een nieuwe game hebt.
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dantekloon BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 13:57    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 19 Jul 2009
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De Japanse Final Mix heeft niet meer extras dan de europese versie, behalve de extra scene met Sephiroth en dat ze Phantom bij de Japanse Final Mix hebben vervangen door Mysterious Figure(Xehanort)
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Stammetje91 BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 16:59    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 21 Aug 2007
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Aight! Hier zit ik echt al een eeuwigheid op te wachten. Vooral de HD versie van Chain of Memories dan. Al zal ik het origineel ook wel weer een keertje doorspelen tegen die tijd. Geweldige game!
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Mafusto BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Sep 2012 18:47    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 31 Mei 2009
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Phantom is niet vervangen. Die boss zit ook gewoon in de Final Mix versie. Xehanorth is er aan toegevoegd. Verder zijn de extra's die de Final Mix versie heeft, niet echt noemenswaardig aangezien wij de meeste extra's al op disc hadden staan op de westerse versie. KH2 Final Mix doet het wat Final Mix uitvoering betreft vele malen beter.
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seph BerichtGeplaatst: 01 Okt 2012 23:23    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 31 Jul 2009
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Nee, nee, het is geen Xehanort, maar gewoon Xemnas >_> zie rode laserzwaarden.
(Ik hoop maar dat hij niet zo moelijk is als mysterious figure, die heb ik nóg niet verslagen :\)

Btw, wie heeft hier ook zo'n zin in BBS HD, in de HD collectie hierna? Dat was sowieso mijn fav KH spel! Geweldig verhaal, characters, werelden, battle system, muziek, minigames en meer. In totaal heb ik er volgens mij ongeveer 140 uur in gestoken, en ik heb nog niet alles gedaan.
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AltairJack BerichtGeplaatst: 01 Okt 2012 23:55    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 19 Jul 2012
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Ik heb 1, 2 en BBS gespeeld. Maar ga niet nog een keer dezelfde games spelen, zo lang geleden is het ook weer niet dat die games uitkwamen.

Hoe kom je aan 140 uur? KH 2 en BBS was ik 20 uur ofzo wel klaar mee.

70 uur extra spelen om Sephiroth te verslaan of die sterke Vanitas is wat mij betreft iets teveel van het goede.
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seph BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 00:03    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 31 Jul 2009
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AltairJack schreef:
Ik heb 1, 2 en BBS gespeeld. Maar ga niet nog een keer dezelfde games spelen, zo lang geleden is het ook weer niet dat die games uitkwamen.

Hoe kom je aan 140 uur? KH 2 en BBS was ik 20 uur ofzo wel klaar mee.

70 uur extra spelen om Sephiroth te verslaan of die sterke Vanitas is wat mij betreft iets teveel van het goede.

3 verhaallijnen (4 als je de epiloog meerekent), en heb toen voor Aqua en Ven de meeste extra's nog gehaald. Was trouwens behoorlijk beroerd: in de epiloog had ik Aqua flink zitten upgraden wat betreft abilities, levels en commands, alle Mirage Arena dingen gedaan (inclusief alle coliseum battles) en Vanitas's sentiment verslagen, allemaal voor Mysterious Figure, om er vervolgens achter te komen dat je die helemaal niet kán bevechten in de epiloog >_<
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GrimHeroAce BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 00:17    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

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Interesante titel hoop dat ie hier komt, en op vita ^^
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dantekloon BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 06:10    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 19 Jul 2009
Berichten: 4261

AltairJack schreef:
Ik zou alleen de packs kopen als je Kh 1,2 en BBS niet gespeeld hebt. Die spinoffs raad ik niemand aan. De meeste van die spinoffs zijn ripoffs van deel 1 en 2, met dezelfde maps en story enzovoort.

COM is eigenlijk gewoon een GBA poort van deel 1, ze hebben alleen maar cutscenes tussen de werelden in gestopt zodat het lijkt of je een nieuwe game hebt.

Maar CoM eindigt precies waar KH1 stopt en KHII begint precies waar CoM stopt, het verhaal tussen die 3 lopen mooi door.
Kan ik niet van BBS zeggen, tussen BBS en KH1 speelt er 10 jaar tussen.

wat is er precies in die 10 jaar gebeurt?

Waarom is Sora opeens in KH1 een main character terwijl het in BBS een bad guy is, Sora is als een klein kind op gegroeid op Destiny Island, waarom is Sora ook al 15 of zo in BBS terwijl het 10 jaar geleden zich afspeelt en dat hij niet 5 jaar is of zo.

Wat is er met de Organization gebeurt?je ziet ze wel in BBS maar niet in KH1, en hoe zit het met Terra, Aqua, Ventus?

en blijkbaar weet je het verhaal niet van CoM
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Mafusto BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 08:01    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 31 Mei 2009
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Sora is in BBS ook gewooon nog een kind van 4... Veritas lijkt op sra maar is niet Sora. Verder heeft de Organisation zich in deel 1 op¨de secret boss fight na, niet bemoeid met Sora en Co. In deel 2 FM en dialoog in de normale dialoog kun je afleiden wat er met Aqua en Terra is gebeurt. Ventus´ werd volgens mij nog in BBS afgesloten. Ten minste tot hij weer in het verhaal voorkomt.

Het mooie van de KH main line is dat er nagenoeg geen timesip is in Sora´s verhaallijn. Zo zit er een jaar tussen CoM en KH 2, die niet relevant is voor Sora omdat hij dan slaapt. Dit jaar wordt opgevuld door Roxas' verhaal. Hier wordt je ook duidelijk dat Sora niet benaderd werd door Org. XIII omdat ze 1 eigen plannen hadden, 2 members aan het rossellen waren en 3 Sora al deed waarvoor ze hem nodig hadden.

De rest van de plotholes worden opgevuld door de andere KH spin-offs en hopelijk afgesloten in KH3.
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seph BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 14:01    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 31 Jul 2009
Berichten: 108

Vanitas is idd niet Sora, maar weet iemand waarom precies hij er nou wel uitziet als Sora? Want

Spoiler: toon
Vanitas is ontstaan uit het duistere deel van Ven's hart, maar toen dat gebeurde hadden Ven en Sora toch nog helemaal geen band met elkaar?
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AltairJack BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 14:43    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

Geregistreerd op: 19 Jul 2012
Berichten: 200

seph schreef:
Vanitas is idd niet Sora, maar weet iemand waarom precies hij er nou wel uitziet als Sora? Want

Spoiler: toon
Vanitas is ontstaan uit het duistere deel van Ven's hart, maar toen dat gebeurde hadden Ven en Sora toch nog helemaal geen band met elkaar?

Spoiler: toon
Vanitus is het duistere deel van Ventus. Vanitas is dus Ven. Vanitas had altijd een masker op, en had dus geen gezicht of het gezicht van Ven. Toen Ven en Sora hun harten met elkaar gingen linken, nam Vanitas dus het gezicht over van Sora maar het kon net zo goed het gezicht zijn van Ventus.

Andere reden waarom hij Sora's gezicht kan hebben, is misschien omdat het deel dat onbrak in Ven's hart(oorspronkelijk Vanitas duistere gedeelte) werd opgevuld door Sora .

Birthy By Sleep secrets ultimania interview Tetsuya Nomura:
Spoiler: toon

�I wish for all the fans to hope to see Sora reappear in the future.�

~Secret of the title that only I know~

Nomura: The frames change quickly so it�s probably difficult to notice, but in the opening movie, we accidentally put Roxas� ring on a finger on Ventus� left hand.

BBS Ultimania Interview with Director Tetsuya Nomura

- How did you decide on the names for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua?
Nomura: At the time of Kingdom Hearts, I wanted Sora, Riku, and Kairi�s names to have meanings that related to the three elements of world, this time too I wanted the 3 main characters names to be the same. So names associated with earth, wind, and water were chosen. But that doesn�t mean I consciously made Aqua correspond with Kairi, for example.

- What were you thinking of considering the name of Vanitas?
Nomura: I wanted a name that really gave off the image of �empty� and when I was searching for a suitable word, I found the Latin word �vanitas� which has the same meaning as the Japanese word �kokuu� meaning hollow. The sound of Vanitas resembles Ventus, plus when the word for hollow is written in kanji, the compound has the same character for �sora� written in it. I liked that, so we used it. Although, in Vanitas� case the kanji�s meaning isn�t �sora� as in �sky� but �kara� as in �empty/blank�.

- Master Eraqus� name is an anagram for �square� written in English, isn�t it?
Nomura: Yeah, but that�s not the only reason that name with such strong implications was used. Really I wrote out Eraqus� name when I was writing the original plot but when I reread it afterward I forgot myself what meaning was attached to it. I consulted everyone on staff and couldn�t figure it out until finally the producer noticed it was an anagram for �square� in English. I remembered, �Oh, that�s right.� (Laughs)

Whose face does Vanitas� resemble? After worrying the answer is revealed

- Did deciding on the three main character�s design go smoothly?
Nomura: No, I had a relatively hard time with that. Especially with those three armored suits they transform into, when I was first designing them I had decided that it�d be �armor that becomes a round device.� However thinking of how to incorporate that sort of device into clothing was difficult. But once �X� became a keyword for this story, the shape of that symbol became inspiration for the main three�s outfits.

- As for their faces, what manner of design went into that?
Nomura: For Terra, since his appearance after this had already been decided, he was designed to have a younger feeling of that. Ventus would inevitably resemble either Sora or Roxas, though I worried over which, I thought that Vanitas resembling Sora would have a greater impact, so Ventus ended up resembling Roxas. By the way, there�s a reason Vanitas has Sora�s face. Sora supplements the damaged parts of Ventus� heart, and as a result of Sora�s influence on those damaged parts, Vanitas� face changed into the same as Sora�s. Therefore if Riku was supplementing the missing parts of Ventus� heart, Vanitas� face would likely look like Riku.

- How about the lone lady Aqua?
Nomura: Since there was no base for her to begin with like with Terra and Ventus, I drew up an entirely new character. Since Terra�s outfit was slightly Japanese inspired, I carried those elements to her design, with the ties ending in her lower back and the sleeves with wide openings at the ends.

- Aqua seems to be popular.
Nomura: I really wasn�t thinking of what sort of popularity she�d garnish, oppositely I worried while I drew her, �Her connections with pre-existing characters is slim, she might not be all that popular�� When writing the scenarios for 358/2 Days, I drew Xion as a �transient and brave girl�, but I wanted Aqua to be a strong girl too. She was drawn not as a �mannishly strong girl� but my own idea of a �femininely strong girl.� I didn�t really know how she�d be received, but thanks to the voice work by Megumi Toyoguchi, she has this popularity. With Paine in Final Fantasy X-2, she used a voice lower than her normal pitch, but this time played Aqua with a tone close to her natural voice. I personally think it successfully represented Aqua�s strength.

- What were your intentions having Ryotaro Okiayu voice Terra?
Nomura: Chikao Otsuka�s Master Xehanort voice is very dry, and Akio Otsuka�s Terra/Xehanort voice is deep and resonating, and looking for a voice that lay between the two resulted in Mr. Okiayu. Of course, Chikao Otsuka was cast as Xehanort because he is the father of Akio Otsuka in real life.

- Vanitas� voice actor being the same Miyu Irino as Sora was of course because they have the same face, right?
Nomura: Yes. But, he�s nothing like Sora, is he? Mr. Irino had said before that he wanted to do a villain, so he performed with bells on. (Laughs)

The reason Zack was the only FF character to appear

- How did you decide which worlds could be visited in this story?
Nomura: First of all, it was decided from the very beginning that you would be able to visit the first three worlds with princesses. Though the princesses appeared in KH, their worlds didn�t make it into the game, so I wanted to write that someday. Story wise too, we were able to tell of how Maleficent first began to target the princesses, and so that was perfect. As for the other worlds, we chose places that looked interesting to write, or looked fun when we made the maps.

�There were also a few worlds that had appeared before, weren�t there.
Nomura: Olympus coliseum has appeared every time, but because this was a chance to tell the events of the past in particular, I wanted to include it no matter what. In the original movie there were scenes of young Hercules growing up, and so, using that, we made it possible to visit Olympus Coliseum this time, too.

- Zack appears at the Olympus coliseum, but was there a reason Final Fantasy characters other than him don�t appear in this title?
Nomura: I could have made Cid and the others appear in Radiant Garden, but if I had done that, the story would have gone off track. The main story for Birth by Sleep is very complicated, so we tried to just follow the main story and not branch out too much. The result was that with FF characters, only Zack appears. We chose him because this scenario is in KH�s past, and we wanted to use something similar if we were going to use anything at all. Zack was a character in the past in FFVII, and so he was perfect. The truth is, there were other FF characters I thought about putting in, but I decided not to use them this time so that they can appear in other titles. That title hasn�t been announced yet, so I can�t say who (laughs).

� This time a new enemy called the Unversed appeared. What are your thoughts on them?
Nomura: It was necessary to prepare an enemy based on something that didn�t appear in KH, which is a later story and would already have disappeared by the time of KH. At that, I decided to make them attached to Vanitas, so that all of them would disappear when he did. Their design concept became the theme of �emotion�, and we went with various motifs, such as a laughing face, angry face and crying face. The Unversed mark was also modeled on the heart from emotions.

- Speaking of enemies, this time�s hidden boss, Vanitas Sentiment, was very strong, wasn�t it?
Nomura: Because the hidden boss in KHIIFM, Lingering Sentiment, was fairly well received, I decided to make this one an equal match in strength. The fans were asking for a hidden boss with �demon-like strength�, you see. And so, once the debugger (person who checks the conditions of programs) found a way to capture it we adjusted it so that it wouldn�t get boring, and the result was that strength. During work I also went to Osaka and fought it as practice, but I couldn�t beat it. (Laughs) I knew that if I had been able to defeat it right away it would mean it wasn�t very strong, so it was ideal that I couldn�t defeat it.

Riddles hidden in the secret ending, hinting at the future of the series

� Secret movies are an established tradition for the series, and in this title, a secret scene titled �Blank Points� was included. Does that name refer to the blank points in the story?
Nomura: There is that meaning, but every secret title aims to be reminiscent of the contents of the next game. For example, the secret movie in Kingdom Hearts was titled �Another side, Another story�, which was hinting at Roxas. Then the secret movie in KHIIFM was �Birth by Sleep�, wasn�t it? Well, the title of the next game isn�t restricted to �Blank Points�, but it will fit that meaning.

- In the secret ending, who is the �other person�s heart Terra is harbouring in his own� that Xehanort refers to?
Nomura: I can�t answer that yet, but I intended to make the correct answer obvious. If you listen carefully to Xehanort�s line, and read the Xehanort reports, I think there�s someone who will come to mind.

- Ansem the Wise said to Aqua, �everything is born from sleep�, but what does this mean?
Nomura: Those calling �Sora� in that scene are all people who have already left this world. But there is no concept of death in the world of KH, and so the image is of sleeping in Sora�s heart for example. If they could be woken up, they should be able to be brought back into this world, and so that�s what �born from sleep� means. Ansem the Wise was speaking of this possibility. Aqua isn�t in the world of light either, so perhaps she too will come born from sleep.

- And so, is there a possibility that the characters that appeared in that scene will be brought back in the future?
Nomura: Yeah. The data that Ansem hid inside Sora is a secret related to their resurrection. When Ansem became DiZ and worked from the shadows, he did research on the heart and emotion, but he hid the conclusion of his particular findings inside Sora. There were many who thought that what was hidden was Kingdom Hearts Coded, but that�s not right. In the ending of Coded, Namin�s words that DiZ did something to Sora are pointing to the data that Ansem hid. We are planning to make clear the nature of that data in a future title.

Designs for two games other than KHIII are in progress

- The three handheld console titles Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Coded and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep have sold quite well, however what are your thoughts?
Nomura: It was very difficult, but it was also fun. I was able to challenge myself in various ways, and from that I found elements I can use from now on. In particular, thinking about the hardware in different consoles was a huge gain. For example, on the PSP, we could use the same controls as the original series, and so we were able to pursue an invigorating make. Then, because the Nintendo DS hasn�t got an analogue stick, rather than invigoration, we thought we�d better go with a system based around customizable play. On top of that, we also had a title not on a gaming console but on the mobile phone, which provided the challenge of making a simple title still feel completely like Kingdom Hearts. From those experiences, I think I�ve gained much I can use from now on.

�The characters who were calling to Sora have the possibility of being born through sleep�

- The overseas version of Birth by Sleep is currently being developed, are there parts in that will change from the original release?
Nomura: The scenarios won�t change particularly, except for various adjustments. Apart from Proud mode, there is the more difficult Critical mode. I had a hand in some of the event scenes that according to the circumstances weren�t able to be produced with my own intentions. More songs for the Rhythmic Ice Cream mini game were added and the number of Keyblades also increased. Furthermore the battle balance and play feeling of it were regulated.

- Like with Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, can we expect a Final Mix version of Birth by Sleep so Japanese fans can enjoy the perks of the overseas version?
Nomura: Well, if I answered �there aren�t plans right now�, it might be perceived as �not releasing one�, and so I can�t say anything. Though the voice work in the overseas version is fantastic, releasing a Final Mix version wouldn�t be bad� But when we released Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix we attached Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories with it, so I get the feeling everyone would expect something big with the Final Mix version of this. So even though I�d like to say that was the case, I don�t think that such a big accomplishment could be achieved twice! (Laughs)

� Now that Birth by Sleep is complete, we�re interested in the future titles to come in the Kingdom Hearts series�
Nomura: Kingdom Hearts III can�t be started if the goals for Final Fantasy Versus XIII are not concluded, however development of the next title(s) in the series has already begun. There�s one I plan to release within the year. After that, there�s another one I�m thinking I want to release from next year onwards, and I think there will be more than one main character again. By the way, the scene �Blank Points� in Birth by Sleep in which Sora ends up setting off on his journey is planned to connect to Kingdom Hearts III.

� It means that Kingdom Hearts III will wrap up the story so far, right?
Nomura: That�s right. I�ve heard that some fans suppose that the series will probably end with KHIII, but the developing Kingdom Hearts series is being made with the intent that everything up until KHIII, which is to come, is the first part of an even bigger series. Sora is the hero of Kingdom Hearts, but the first part of the series, unfolding now, is the Xehanort saga. Hasn�t Xehanort always been the enemy since KHI?

� I see. So then, KHIII will be the end of the Xehanort saga?
Nomura: If I had to, I�d say that�s the way to look at it. That�s why even if the Xehanort saga ends, there�s the possibility that a new adventure for Sora will begin.

� So, it�s not that �once Sora�s story is over the story of a new hero will begin�, but that the series will always have Sora as the hero, isn�t it?
Nomura: Yeah. One of the concepts of the series is that the hero Sora isn�t some special being, but a normal boy. Sure, his heart is connected to Ventus and the others, but other than that, he�s a normal kid that could have come from anywhere, that hasn�t inherited anything from anyone. I want to make Sora a character that will give the player the feeling that �even if I�m not some special being, I have the possibility buried inside of connecting with many others to accomplish things�. In Birth by Sleep, I wish for all the fans to hope to see that Sora reappears. The secret cutscene is what symbolizes this, and so please work your way there, and wait for Sora�s role in the future.

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seph BerichtGeplaatst: 02 Okt 2012 16:13    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

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Juist. Klinkt logisch (voor een KH game dan) xD
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Mafusto BerichtGeplaatst: 14 Mrt 2013 09:07    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

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KHInsider schreef:
Yes, you read that correctly! During the credits for KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 1.5 ReMIX-, there are certain images shown from select titles, specifically KINGDOM HEARTS II, Birth by Sleep and coded. This seems to suggest that the next remaster, KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 2.5 ReMIX- will be comprised of these titles!
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Codewarrior BerichtGeplaatst: 14 Mrt 2013 09:43    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat

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